



Food and Beverage Delegation to Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

Join the delegation to Saudi Arabia’s Food and Beverage (F&B) market - the largest in the Middle East

In cooperation with Trade Council Riyadh at the Royal Danish Embassy in Saudi Arabia, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council is pleased to invite your company to participate in this business delegation to Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia’s Food and Beverage (F&B) market is the largest in the Middle East. The F&B market is experiencing growth, and there is an increasing consumer demand for both organic and conventional F&B products in Saudi Arabia due to a growing population and an increased awareness of healthy F&B consumption. With 8.7% GDP growth in 2022; a population of 32.2 million inhabitants (of which 63% are below the age of 30); and with the implementation of Saudi Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has become an attractive export market. Saudi Arabia imports approximately 75% of its national food consumption and is, therefore, the largest food importer in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia opened up for international tourists and eased visa obtainment procedures in 2019, thereby paving the way for a tourism sector. Saudi Arabia is investing heavily in the tourism and entertainment sectors to attract foreign visitors, and it is expected that the food sector will grow with 4% annually until 2028, and the market calls for high quality food products. There is a large potential for Danish companies to tap into the organic and conventional F&B market and we hope this is one of many successful promotion visits to Saudi Arabia in the near future. The delegation to Riyadh is organized for you to maximize and explore your business opportunities in the interesting Saudi market.

Who should join?

Danish companies engaged in the FMCG industry incl.:

  • Organic and conventional food products and food solutions.
  • Organic and normal beverages.
  • Organic and conventional food products.
  • Ingredients and biosolutions.
  • Organic plant-based food and beverages.

Your benefits

  • Explore business opportunities in a tailored B2B session with potential future customers and partners in Saudi Arabia.
  • Get insights into market trends in the expanding F&B market which is the largest in the Middle East.
  • Gain a better understanding of the market opportunities for Danish products and solutions in food production during meetings with large Saudi companies and authorities.
  • Increase your company’s creditability towards Saudi customers and partners by being part of a joint Danish delegation to Saudi Arabia.
  • A networking dinner with participation of Saudi customers and stakeholders.

PROGRAMME 7-10 October 2024

Monday, 7 October 2024 in Riyadh (Day 1)

  • Arrival in Riyadh and briefing by the DAFC.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024 in Riyadh (Day 2)

  • Programme introduction by the Royal Danish Embassy in Riyadh.
  • Meetings with the Saudi Ministry of Investment – Food Department.
  • B2B session between the delegation and Saudi companies.
    - Welcome by Head of Trade and Regional Coordinator, Jørn Bang Andersen, Royal Danish Embassy
       in Riyadh.
    - Presentations by the delegates from the Danish companies.
    Presentations by and introductions to the Saudi companies.
    Networking between the companies.
  • Networking reception incl. participation of Saudi customers, stakeholders, and potential partners.

Wednesday, 9 October 2023 in Riyadh (Day 3)

  • Interactions with Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture.
  • Meetings with two key local supermarket chains.
  • Networking dinner with representatives and buyers from Saudi supermarket chains.
    Welcome remarks by the Ambassador of Denmark to Saudi Arabia.

Thursday, 10 October 2023 in Riyadh (Day 4)

  • Site visit based on the group of companies.
  • Site visit based on the group of companies.
  • Recap and end of programme by the Royal Danish Embassy in Riyadh and the DAFC.
  • Departure from Saudi Arabia.


The total price for participation in the export delegation to Saudi Arabia is 17,750 DKK excl. flight, hotel, and VAT per company for one representative after deduction of 50% subsidy from The Trade Council. The price for an extra representative is 3,000 DKK per person.

NOTE: The Danish company is free to have its local representatives represent your company in full during the event. On the registration form you can, if relevant, therefore add the contact information of the local participating person/company. However, only Danish companies in Denmark with a Danish CVR number can register for participation, and the invoice will always be issued in DKK to the Danish company address.

We reserve the right to offer you participation at a different price should any of the above criteria change. Should this result in a higher price than quoted, you have the right to cancel your participation. Other expenses not mentioned above are at own expense including visa, flights, dine & drink, and hotel.

NOTE: The price is based on 7 participating companies, who are all eligible for subsidy, and 50 percent subsidy (already granted) from the Trade Council of Denmark. If your company is not eligible for subsidy due to de-minimis issues (having received more than 1.5 million DKK in de-minimis subsidy within the past 3 years, including the present) you are binding yourself to pay the full price, meaning without the subsidy. The same conditions apply if you do not wish to receive subsidy.

Package includes

  • Identification and tailored B2B matchmaking with Saudi customers and partners, authorities, and relevant associations.
  • Transportation in Saudi Arabia throughout the entire programme (excluding flights).
  • Networking reception with identified customers and stakeholders.
  • Networking dinner with identified customers and stakeholders.
  • Assistance in booking hotels to get corporate price.
  • General assistance from the Royal Danish Embassy in Riyadh and the Danish Agriculture & Food Council.


Please register at the top of the site no later than Friday 16 August 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Mathias Sandholt Knauf, - +45 2336 9061.

Contact for further information

Danish Agriculture & Food Council
Mathias Sandholt Knauf, Advisor
Phone: +45 2336 9061

Royal Danish Embassy, Riyadh
Abir Obeid
Commercial Assistant
Direct phone: +966 570325380
Cell phone: +966 555911345

Royal Danish Embassy, Riyadh
Jørn Bang Andersen, Head of Trade
Phone: +966 (11) 488 0101
Mobile: +966 50453 8494